Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ways to make more money online.
Online marketing report:

Do you want to get more clients, make more sales more of your products and services and make more money online?
The Internet has evened out the playing field between big businesses with millions of dollars in their advertising budgets and smaller businesses with only a few hundred dollars earmarked. Being able to Expand online has enabled business owners to reach persons who would have never heard about their businesses otherwise and get many more customers as a result.
I got into the world of internet marketing in the last couple of years myself and would like to share my experiences with you in the hopes that it may be of some encouragement to you. I hope by sharing what I have learned you may be able to learn from my experiences and not have to learn many things through trial and error like I have done. So I will share everything I went through with you and then make a few suggestions to you towards the end of my editorial and based on what you hopefully learn from this report maybe you will be able to decide what path is right for you.
So read this entire report first and then you will be better informed as to what you have to have to do next in your own journey. Whether you have an offline business and are looking to expand to the internet or if you are already working internet and just wanting to get in to reach more clients. I think this information will be of assistance to you.

Selling your products and services internet makes a lot of sense - all you have to have to start selling internet is a web site, a shopping cart and a payment processor. You can also drive hundreds, or even thousands of buyers to your web site for little or no money. Applying online marketing techniques requires some marketing knowledge, but it does not cost a lot of money. In fact, it would not cost any money to apply many of the techniques I will be discussing in this special report.

It is important to know that that it is not enough to put up a web site to promote your business and expect an avalanche of new business to come immediately. If you want your web site to become a real new business machine, that draws you clients every single day, you require to use online marketing strategies to drive traffic to it. The more targeted traffic you can drive to your web site, the more clients you will be able to find. In this report we will discuss a few different techniques to help you do just that.

Technique 1: You can change your way of thinking.

I learned how to create a marketing mindset that helps you find clients, fill up your databases and multiply your profits honestly and ethically:
  • You must understand what marketing really Is. Marketing is a process designed to introduce your target customers to your business, inviting them to request more information and to get to know you.
  • You must realize that your potential clients require your help and that your expertise has value.
  • Your potential clients have real problems and they need real assistance. When you market, you let them know that you can assist them. What can be more valuable than that? You are not trying to sell them something they don't want, but something they want and need!
  • You are required to create a plan to introduce yourself to people in your desired market. Create a plan that will help you reach most people in your specified market and let them know in what way you can assist them to solve their problems.
  • You must find a marketing approach that you enjoy the many. You will do your best when you do what you like best. Review different marketing techniques such as public speaking, social networking, article marketing, search engine optimization, blogging and many more.
  • Which ones do you like best? Which methods feel the most natural to you? Start by using the ones that you like. You would find more desirable results, gain confidence in your skills and the process, and will enjoy marketing more.
  • I used article marketing as I mentioned before because I felt at ease with it and it was free to do. Since I was on a shoe string budget this was a logical choice for me.

    Technique 2: Define Or Refine The market your targeting

When a lot new marketers are not able to find clients, a lot of them think of expanding their market. They start advertising not only to their specified market, they begin to target anyone they can find. "If I am unable to reach enough persons from my specific market to make purchases, I have to increase my specified market by going more broad!" This absolutely seems like a logical deduction.

But really, that this is not the correct approach to handling this. Not many people wish to buy from a general lists, people who market to just anyone. Consciences customers (the class of persons you want as clients) would prefer to do business with those who are marketing a product or service to people similar to them who understand their particular complication or issues.

Your customers want a tightly niched service provider because they want someone who is familiar with their needs and problems. And they are willing to pay for this niched knowledge.

What this tell you is that you need to have a well-defined target market. If you do not have a well-defined target market yet, now is the time to define it. And if you already have a target market, now is the time to revisit it and see whether it is still an appropriate target market for your business.

So, what makes a target market an effective one for your business? An effective target market includes persons who need, want and can afford your products and services. Remember, for your target market to be effective, all three have to hold. Persons in your target market must need, want and be able to afford what you offer. I have seen many business owners making a mistake by assuming two out of three will suffice. They discover persons who require and want, but can't afford what they have, or they market to people who don't necessarily want what they offer, even though they require it and can budget it.

You don't want to expend effort on trying to convince people that they need what you have to offer-indeed, that's the snake-oil-salesman stereotype that gave you. a bad feeling about marketing in the first place. When your target market consists of persons who want, need and can afford what you have to offer, selling becomes easy, and a natural progression. Once they come to know you and realize that you are an expert at what you do, they will want to buy products or sevices you recommend and would trust your judgment.

I also recommend that you define your target market in terms of persons you enjoy working with.
Who are your past clients that you want more of? Or if you are brand new then what type of persons and in what areas will you like to work. Example: maybe you want to target golfers because you love golf and have an in depth knowledge about golf and golf products.

So start searching for them. Are they a part of a specific sub-group of persons in terms of a profession, an age group, etc? How can you meet more people from this group? Can you use social networking and other marketing techniques specifically to reach persons in this group? How can you market to people from this group without casting a wide net? Once you answer these questions, you will have a target market, and some ideas regarding marketing to it!

Technique 3: Creating your customer list.

One of the most critical skills that a business can possess is the skill to contact a lot people in your target market at one time. You need to have the ability to convey your knowledge and ideas concerning your new products or services with plenty of people at one time. Because, that is one of the most powerful techniques to get service clients and product buyers.

Let's discuss some business goals and why it requires you to create a client list to be able to get through to them. I assume that your dreams for your online company are to discover more customers, be able to make more sales, find more customers for your personal services. The best means to reach these things is to create a really extensive e-mail data base of your future clients. People who wish to be contacted by you and who are in need your products and or services. Once you create a large contact data base of potential clients whom have a interest in your products or services, great things begin to happen. You generate a lot of sales!

The larger the list, the better it will be for your business. Let's say you are expecting a response of .5%-1% of your subscribers. This means that if you have 1,000 subscribers, you can expect 5 to 10 people to respond to your offer. But if you have 2,000 persons on your list, 10 to 20 people would respond to the same offer. As you can see, the more persons you have on your list, the more customers you would be able to find.
Before you start building your list, you require to make a few steps:

Decide Who You Want To Be On Your List. Since the goal for your list is to promote your expertise and products, people on your list ought to be in your target market. When you are building your list remember that you want to promote your list to persons in your target market. Make sure that actions that you take for finding subscribers are reaching people in your target market.

Register For A Service To Send Out Your Newsletter. To build your list you have to have a service that will let persons automatically subscribe, confirm and unsubscribe. You will also use this service to send out your newsletter to your subscribers.
There are alot of different newsletter services to choose from. I recommend reviewing a few different ones and decide which one is right for you.

Create A Free Offering For New Subscribers. A free gift help help you to turn more of your web site visitors into newsletter subscribers. Two most essential attributes of your free gift are:

The Topic Of The Gift. To convince more people to subscribe to your newsletter in exchange for your free gift, you must create a free gift that they really want. The gift ought to address one of the biggest issues your target market has. This means a variety of people in your target market would subscribe to your newsletter to receive the gift.

The Name Of The Gift. No matter what you do, don't call your gift "free gift with subscription". This does not say anything and will not convince your target market to subscribe. Instead, come up with a name that makes your gift extremely desirable.
  • For example, a parenting coach who helps parents communicate with their kids more effectively can name a free gift "How To Talk To Your Kids So That They In fact Hear You".

    A weight loss coach who helps clients lose weight can name a free gift "5 Keys To Losing Weight And Keeping It Off".

    As you can see, the name of the free gift addresses the benefits of the gift

Decide On The Format Of Your Newsletter And Start Publishing It.
Decide on the format of your newsletter and what you are going to include into it. Get started with publishing your newsletter. You will not see any results from your newsletter until you are in reality publishing it.

Promote Your Newsletter To Find Subscribers.
To get more new business from your newsletter you need to get more subscribers; it is as simple as that. Use internet marketing techniques, such as social networking, blogging, and article marketing to find more subscribers. We are going to talk about social networking in the next section.

This is one of the best ways to get more clients for your, workshops and webinars, participants and product buyers is by having a large list and publishing your newsletter on a regular basis. Get started on building your list today!

How to use this strategy for your business:
Use the steps above to get started with your newsletter. If you are a newsletter publisher already, create a strategy to bring more subscribers to your newsletter every single day. The best means to build your list fast is to take at least one list-building action every day.
Here is how:

- Pick three list building techniques you want to concentrate on for the next month. Let's say you picked social networking, article marketing and blogging.
- Create your schedule for the next month and include one list building activity (feel free to include more then one) for every day. Include information on which techniques you are going to be using, as well as specifically in what way you are using them to build your list.

- Follow your schedule for building your list and see your list numbers grow!

Technique 4: Use Social Networking

This year has been a great year for social networking web sites. It seems that finally everyone has caught on to the power of social networking and is wading into the social networking pool.

Because of the natural mix of personal and professional in social networking, even in today's economy, many persons are doing business with people whom they have met on social networks.

What does this mean for you as a business owner? This means that it is very likely that your target market is now actively using social networking web sites and you need to use them too!
But before you start using social networking you must decide what you goals for networking are and what results you are seeking. If you use social networking aimlessly, you may probably have fun, but you would not find results for your business.
Here is what you should decide before you dive into social networking:

Who Do You Want To Meet? As we had discussed before, marketing is all about introducing you to persons in your target market. When you use social networking, you want to meet your target customers.

You want your target customers to know who you are, and you can introduce yourself to them by filling out your bio and permitting your contacts learn more regarding you on your social networking pages.
Different social networking web sites give you different amounts of space for introduction. Some let you share a long bio, blog address, web site address, and much more. Others let you just fill out a few sentences and one web site address. Whatever the space, use it to your advantage to let your contacts know regarding you and your business.

What Are Your Goals For Using Social Networking Sites? Since you are an online business owner and you are working hard to promote your business online, your goals are to secure more clients and more newsletter subscribers.
But what are your potential customers doing on social networking sites? Your potential customers are there to network, but not to buy immediately. So while you are meeting your targeted clients there, they might not be ready to buy immediately.

However, while they may not have a need for what you have to offer right now, they may have to have what you have to offer down the road. But they will only know that offer what you offer if you continue to keep in touch with them and build relationships. It is extremely critical to invite persons you meet on social networking web sites to subscribe to your newsletter, so that you can build relationships with them through your newsletter.

You require to have a process to get potential clients that you meet on social networks to subscribe to your newsletter so that you can keep in touch with them long after you have met on a web site.
Which social networks should you be using? If you are not using them yet, take a look at Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn .

How to use this strategy for your business:
Decide who you want to meet on social networking web sites and design a process to find your social networking friends to subscribe to your newsletter. Here is how:
- Create effective social networking profiles. Alot of people make a decision whether they want to connect with you or hire you based on your profile. Take some time to create a social networking profile from a potential client's point of view. Do research to find out what your potential clients want to see on your profile and then include that information.
- Don't sell - connect. Don't spend all of your time on social networking web sites selling your products and services. That's not what other participants are searching for. Instead, share tips and articles, assist others and answer questions. You would promote your expertise and become famous to your target market when you do this.
- Do let people know about what you do and what you offer. In order for people on social networks to know what you have to offer, you must let them know about it. While you need to not be selling all the time, it is perfectly fine to let others know about what you are up to from time to time.
For example, when you are networking on Twitter, it is fine to promote your offerings approximately 10% of the time.

Technique 5: Offer Products In Addition To Services

It has always been extremely critical to offer products in addition to services, because it is easier to convince your potential customers to spend $20-$50 on a product rather than $200-$500 on a service.

In today's economy, it is even more important to offer products in addition to services. A lot of your potential clients still have to have the solutions that you offer, but they may not want or be able to pay for your one-on-one services given the current state of the economy.

However, since they have to have what you have to offer, they will be more willing to pay for your products, such as seminars, teleseminars, and e-books.

Having products and services in different prices ranges will aid you introduce your expertise to a wider audience, reach more people, and, ultimately, gain more clients.

Here are different information products you can create to offer your potential customers:

E-books And Special Reports. E-books are longer, and special reports are shorter manuscripts. These manuscripts are usually sold in the PDF format.
The best thing concerning e-books and special reports is that the selling as well as the fulfillment process can be completely automated. This means that once set up, you do not have to do anything for selling and fulfillment. Everything is completely automated, so all you have to do is a happy dance when the notice of sale pops up in your mailbox.

Audio Products can be delivered through two different channels. They can be instantly downloaded from your web site in a beloved audio format (MP3, Wave, etc.), or you could burn them onto a CD and physically ship the product. The former option is less high-priced for you, which means you can keep your overhead, and therefore the customer's price lower. However, depending on your target audience, the added expense for what is perceived as a more tangible, and therefore deluxe experience, may be superior.

Teleclasses And Teleseminars. Create classes based on material you have written about. Teaching classes over the phone (such as skype ) is an excellent manner to create additional income streams based on your materials.

Teleclasses are a good example of repackaging your material and selling it again and again. Material taught and discussed during teleclasses can again be reused to create special reports, e-books and audio products.

Workshops (teaching classes in person) can be used to teach to alot of people at once, instead of doing one-on-one sessions. You also gain a back-of-the-room sales opportunity for tangible books and courses on CD or DVD.

Community and Membership Web Sites.
Creating a community around your expertise and products and services is another way to re-package your material.
Your community web site is a powerful way to increase your sphere of influence and create a group of people who are interested in you and your expertise.

As you can see, you can increase your profits and promote your expertise by re-packaging your knowledge and materials as products. You can create a whole product empire by turning your existing products into new products.
It is extremely critical to have products for sale in the current economy, so that you can offer information at different price points to your potential customers.

How to use this strategy for your business: Decide on a few products that you want to create and get started! Create a few products that are of interest to your target audience so that you can offer them for sale during the next few months.

In fact, you may discover a wealth of products already in your "sent" folder, among the emails in which you've provided advice to your one-on-one clients. Mine your "sent" folder, your prior articles and your whole hard drive for products just waiting to be sold.

You have a lot of choices when it comes to products - e-books, special reports, tips booklets, study courses, audio clips and full length audio products.

Technique 6: Take Action!

Nothing would get done until you make a decision to take action! Don't wait until tomorrow. Get started today and you will see that you can secure clients for your business, even in today's economy!

Let's review the five marketing strategies discussed in this report:

Change Your Marketing Mindset

Define Or Refine Your Target Market

Build Your List

Use Social Networking

Offer Products In Addition To Services

Create your own plan of action based on these steps and take action with it!

Thank You For Reading The Report!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

High blood pressure remedies - reviewed

WARNING! Don't Even Think About Buying Another Blood Pressure Guide Until You've Read This...

Which is the best guide for lowering your blood pressure naturally?
I have reviewed nearly all of them available online and off and what I found is there are two really good ones available that really work.

The first on is Blood Pressure Truth...

These are their claims taken from their website. CLICK HERE to visit their site now. or continue reading my review.

"Chronic Hypertensive Finds A 100% Natural, Scientifically Proven Way To Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Drugs, And Finally Reveals The Easy Steps You Could Already Be Taking To Reach The Promised Land of BP 115/75"

"At last, you can find out for yourself the exact steps you need to take to lower your blood pressure easily and escape your otherwise destined future of dying premature due to heart disease or stroke. Stop abusing your body with drugs and their common and debilitating side effects. This step by step guide will reveal to you the exact, easy steps you need to take to naturally get to a normal blood pressure and enjoy a long and healthy life free of complications!"

I purchased the e-book it was immediately downloaded. I read and reviewed the information. I thought it was well written and informative. I implemented the steps recommended and was very impressed with the program. I had only slightly high blood pressure, however I have seen a significant reduction in my own blood pressure.

The proven 3 step Blood Pressure Truth™ Success System.
Freedom from nervous terror about dying before your time.
The incredible super foods that can lower your blood pressure naturally.
How to defeat the "cousin" of high blood pressure and get a "double whammy" increase in your health by defeating two hidden conditions at the same time.
Imagine no longer worrying about suddenly not being there for your friends and family.
How to protect your heart and your blood system by popping a few amazing supplements.
The most powerful 100% natural ingredient that the Japanese have been taking for decades to maintain a low blood pressure.
Imagine a new way of living that naturally keeps your blood pressure low without worrying about it spiking ever again.
Prevent heart disease, kidney damage, stroke and cancer and at the same time making your food even tastier than it already is.
Get your body back - imagine no longer feeling like a victim of your situation but instead knowing that keeping a normal blood pressure and a healthy body is effortless.
How to unlease your body's natural ability to heal itself of the damage done.

 Actual testimonials from other customers of Blood pressure truth.

"My Doctor Is Amazed!"
Mr. Cage, Many thanks for your wonderful guide.
I was put on a course of drugs by my doctor but they did not bring my blood pressure down enough.
Since using just two of your natural methods ... My doctor is amazed!
Really, thank you so much Chris!
Bob, Memphis

"Lowered My B.P. Using Natural Methods Alone"
Dear Chris,
I feel obliged to let you know how well I am doing.
I am only 28 years old but was diagnosed six months ago with hypertension of 145/95. My doctor told me it was in my genes and I needed to take drugs for the rest of my life. I found this difficult to accept so I was determined to find another way which was when I came across your Blood Pressure Truth.
You are 100% right Chris, my genetics are not an excuse! I can and have been able to lower my blood pressure using natural methods alone, in no small part thanks to you!
Thank you,
Julie, Toronto, Canada

"I Was Not Expecting Such A Quick Improvement"
Hello Chris,
I got your guide ... I was not expecting such a quick improvement. Thank you Chris.
Jim, Costa del Sol, Spain

 The second Product I tried that actually delivered as promised is called the high blood pressure remedy report. I was equally impressed with this program like the first it was well written full of good information in a easy to follow step by step system. The two were very similar and well worth the investment. After all getting off all the prescription drugs and regaining your health is priceless. 

To visit their site immediately CLICK HERE or read further to see what others have to say...

"Learn Exactly How To STOP High Blood Pressure And Eliminate Your Risk Of A Heart Attack Or Stroke, In Just A Few Short Days, Using A Step By Step Natural Home Remedy - With No Worry, No Wasted Money, No Pain, and No Harmful Drugs..."

natural high blood pressure remedies No More Expensive Drugs!
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high blood pressure treatment No More Fear, Uncertainty, Or Doubt!

Real testimonials from customers:

Thank you so much for your help and what you are doing to help people deal with these varied problems. No one in my family deals with high blood pressure, but I will use this report to help others.

--Steve Verhagen Appleton, WI
"...I CAN'T PUT IT DOWN!..."
Hi Craig,

I am enjoying your Remedy Report, I can't put it down! There's so much to read and so many sources of information. I've already made moves to change my diet and looking into supplements. I'll keep you updated.


--Karl Keefer Crowne Point, IN
 For further information and to take charge of your health visit either of these great programs site today.

Easy weight loss diets- how I lost 24 pounds in 30 days and you can too.

Easy weight loss diets- how I lost 24 pounds in 30 days and you can too.

I know everyone wants to lose a few pounds and keep it off. As I discussed in my last article “permanent weight loss secret -they don't want you to know about”. The diet industry knows most people will fail to lose weight and keep it off. Of course, they will not tell you that, but it is the truth. To me it seemed impossible to keep the weight off. I tried every diet I could find, but I always put the weight back on.
None of the big-name diet plans seemed to work for me. I never seemed to have enough time to really follow them correctly. I also tried many diet weight loss supplements, but they really didn't work for me either, because I didn't know how or which one to take or when to take them. I was totally confused, because different people, all gave me different advice on which supplements for the best for weight loss.

So finally I heard about a fast safe weight loss program that comes with a year of support, coaching and goal setting help. So I tried it and they really helped me pick the best diet supplements, plan healthy meals, set goals and reach them, and they encouraged me the whole way. I started losing weight. Almost immediately, and the best part is now six months down the road. I'm still keeping the weight off. Because I learned what to eat and when to eat it.

I just wish I had found this program sooner and not spent so much time and money on useless programs in the past. This program really works for me, and it will work for you too. So, don't wait around. Start today. Just  Click Here to find out how to get started now.

Find out how I lost 24 pounds in 30 days and receive a free five part insider. Fat loss for report as a thank you. Just for visiting their site.


My other article I mentioned earlier for your reading enjoyment. http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=3288152

High blood pressure cures

High blood pressure cures. All natural and with out dangerous drugs, Is this possible?

For Natural high blood pressure cures Click Here to get them now.  or read on!

What is High Blood Pressure?

Also known as: Hypertension

According to the American Heart Association, nearly one in three adults in the United States has high blood pressure. But nearly one-third of those people don't know they have high blood pressure, because it's a silent disease. People can have high blood pressure for years without experiencing symptoms or knowing they have it.
The upper or first number in a blood pressure reading is the systolic pressure and the lower or second number is called the diastolic pressure. According to National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute guidelines:
  • Normal blood pressure is below 120/80 mmHg.
  • Prehypertension is systolic pressure that's between 120 to 139 or diastolic pressure between 80 and 89.
  • Stage 1 hypertension is systolic pressure between 140 to 159 or diastolic pressure between 90 and 99.
  • Stage 2 hypertension is systolic pressure higher than 160 or diastolic pressure of 100 or higher.

High Blood Pressure Symptoms

High blood pressure usually doesn't cause any symptoms in the early stages. Symptoms associated with high blood pressure can include:
  • Dizziness or dizzy spells
  • Headache
  • Nosebleeds

Causes of High Blood Pressure

In most cases of high blood pressure, the American Heart Association says there is no one identifiable cause. This kind of high blood pressure is called primary hypertension or essential hypertension. It is usually a combination of factors, such as:
  • Weight. The greater your body mass, the more pressure there is on your artery walls. That's because more blood is produced to supply oxygen and nutrients to tissues in your body.
  • Activity level. Lack of physical activity tends to increase heart rate, which forces your heart to work harder with each contraction.
  • Tobacco use. Chemicals in cigarettes and tobacco can damage artery walls.
  • Sodium intake. Excessive sodium in the diet can result in fluid retention and high blood pressure, especially in people sensitive to sodium.
  • Potassium intake. Low potassium can result in elevated sodium in cells, because the two balance one another.
  • Stress. Stress can raise blood pressure.
  • Alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol intake can, over time, increase the risk of heart disease.
  • Age. The risk of high blood pressure increases as you get older.
  • Family history. High blood pressure often runs in families.
High blood pressure can also be caused by an underlying condition, such as kidney disease, hormonal disorders, thyroid disease, adrenal gland disease, and the use of certain drugs, such as oral contraceptives, or herbs such as licorice. This type of high blood pressure is called secondary hypertension.

Natural Hypertension Remedies and High blood pressure cures.

Lifestyle changes and natural remedies may help to control high blood pressure, but your doctor may also recommend medication to lower high blood pressure. It is important to work with your doctor, because untreated high blood pressure may damage organs in the body and increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, brain hemorrhage, kidney disease, and vision loss. See a drawing of a hypertensive heart.

  • Co enzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

    There is some evidence that the supplement CoQ10 may help to reduce high blood pressure.

    A 12 week double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 83 people with systolic hypertension examined the effect of CoQ10 supplements (60 mg twice daily). After the 12 weeks, there was a mean reduction in systolic blood pressure of 17.8 mm Hg in the Coq10-treated group.

    Another study conducted at the University of Western Australia looked at the effect of CoQ10 on blood pressure and glycemic control in 74 people with type 2 diabetes. Participants were randomly assigned to receive either 100mg CoQ10 twice daily, 200mg of the drug fenfibrate, both, or neither for 12 weeks.
    CoQ10 significantly reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure(mean reduction 6.1 mm Hg and 2.9 mm Hg respectively). There was also a reduction in HbA1C, a marker for long-term glycemic control.
    To learn more about CoQ10, read the Co enzyme Q10 (CoQ10) fact sheet.

  • Garlic

    In a meta-analysis of seven randomized controlled trials of garlic supplements, three trials showed a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure and four in diastolic blood pressure. Researchers concluded that garlic powder supplement may be of clinical use in patients with mild high blood pressure.

    Garlic supplements should only be used under the supervision of a qualified health practitioner. Garlic can thin the blood (reduce the ability of blood to clot) similar to aspirin. Garlic may interact with many drugs and supplements such as the prescription "blood-thinners" drugs such as Coumadin (warfarin) or Trental (pentoxifylline), aspirin, vitamin E, gingko. It is usually recommended that people taking garlic stop in the weeks before and after any type of surgery.

  • Hawthorn

    The herb hawthorn is often used by traditional herbal practitioners for high blood pressure.

    In a randomized controlled trial conducted by researchers in Reading, UK, 79 patients with type 2 diabetes were randomized to receive either 1200 mg of hawthorn extract a day or placebo for 16 weeks. Medication for high blood pressure was used by 71% of the patients.
    At the end of the 16 weeks, patients taking the hawthorn supplement had a significant reduction in mean diastolic blood pressure (2.6 mm Hg). No herb-drug interactions were reported.

  • Fish oil

    Preliminary studies suggest that fish oil may have a modest effect on high blood pressure. Although fish oil supplements often contain both DHA (docohexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), there is some evidence that DHA is the ingredient that lowers high blood pressure. Learn more about fish oil.

  • Folic acid

    Folate is a B vitamin necessary for formation of red blood cells. It may help to lower high blood pressure in some people, possibly by reducing elevated homocysteine levels.

    One small study of 24 cigarette smokers found that four weeks of folic acid supplementation significantly lowered blood pressure.

  • Diet

    Changing your diet is an important part of lowering high blood pressure. The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet is promoted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Insitutes of Health (NIH).
    The DASH diet includes fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy foods, beans and nuts. Sodium is limited to 2,400 mg per day.
    Studies have found that the DASH diet can reduce high blood pressure within two weeks. These are the daily guidelines of the DASH diet:

    • 7 to 8 servings of grains
    • 4 to 5 servings of vegetables
    • 4 to 5 servings of fruit
    • 2 to 3 servings of low-fat or non-fat dairy
    • 2 or less servings of meat, fish, or poultry
    • 2 to 3 servings of fats and oils
    • 4 to 5 servings per week of nuts, seeds, and dry beans
    • Less than 5 servings a week of sweets
    Serving Sizes
    1/2 cup cooked rice or pasta
    1 slice bread
    1 cup raw vegetables or fruit
    1/2 cup cooked vegetables or fruit
    8 oz. of milk
    1 teaspoon olive oil
    3 ounces cooked meat
    3 ounces tofu
    A related diet called the DASH-Sodium reduces sodium to 1,500 mg a day, which is approximately equal to 2/3 teaspoon from all sources (processed and canned foods contain hidden salt).
    Patients following the DASH-Sodium diet had a significant reduction in high blood pressure.

  • Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium

    Calcium. Calcium supplementation appears to have a modest but statistically significiant reduction in systolic blood pressure (mean difference of 2.5 mm Hg), however better quality studies are needed. Learn more about getting enough calcium in your diet.
    Potassium. A meta-analysis of five trials indicated that potassium supplementation compared to a control resulted in a large but statistically non-significant reduction in systolic blood pressure (mean difference 11.2 mm Hg) and diastolic blood pressure (5.0 mm hg). Learn about potassium in the diet and find out which foods have potassium.
    Magnesium. In 12 randomized controlled trials, participants receiving magnesium supplements did not have a significantly reduction in systolic blood pressure, but they did have a statistically signicantly reduction in diastolic blood pressure (mean difference 2.2 mm Hg). Read more about magnesium in the diet.

  • Mind-Body Interventions

    Mind-body interventions, particularly autogenic training, biofeedback, and yoga, have been found to modestly reduce high blood pressure compared with placebo.
    Autogenic Training
    Autogenic training is a technique used for stress reduction and relaxation. It involves a series of sessions in which people learn how to control breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, and body temperature.

    People learn six exercises that each involve a certain posture (e.g reclining in a chair), concentration without a goal, imagination, and verbal cues. Each exercise is learned by watching a teacher demonstrate it or by reading a description. It requires regular practice.

    Biofeedback is a technique in which people learn how to gain control over internal body processes that normally occur involuntarily, such as blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and skin temperature.

    Biofeedback is primarily used for high blood pressure, migraine, tension headache, chronic pain, and urinary incontinence.

    Of the different types of biofeedback, thermal feedback (which measures skin temperature) and electrodermal activity feedback (which uses a probe that responds to sweat) may be more effective than direct blood pressure feedback or electromyography (EMG), which measures muscle tension. Learn more about biofeedback.

    Preliminary studies have found that yoga may lower blood pressure. Go to the yoga resources page.

  • Aerobic Exercise

    Aerobic exercise is an important part of the natural approach to lower high blood pressure. A meta-analysis of 105 trials involving a total of 6805 participants found that aerobic exercise was associated with a mean reduction in systolic blood pressure of 4.6 mm Hg, with corresponding reductions in diastolic blood pressure.
    People with high blood pressure should speak with their doctor first before embarking on a new exercise program. Learn about the effect of exercise on blood pressure and the heart.

  • Ayurvedic Medicine

    In Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, high blood pressure is treated according to each person’s dosha, or constitutional type.
    The pitta type may have a flushed face, red eyes, headaches, light sensitivity, irritability, and nosebleeds.
    The kapha type may have excess weight, water retention, high cholesterol, sluggishness.
    The vata type may feel cold, have gas, bloating, or constipation, insomnia, or nervousness, worry, or anxiety.

    What's Your Ayurvedic Type?
    Ayurvedic Foods for Each Type
    Ayurveda Factsheet

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine

    In traditional Chinese medicine, high blood pressure is often attributed to a problem with the circulation of vital energy (qi) in the body. Chinese medicine practitioners believe that depression, anger, obesity, and high intake of fatty foods are some of the causative factors.
    A combination of acupuncture and herbs is often recommended. Foods thought to have medicinal properties that may help high blood pressure include water chestnut, turnip, honey, Chinese celery, hawthorn berries, and mung beans.

    Emotions also play a role in our health.

  • Herbs and Supplements To Avoid

    Herbs that have been found or suspected to cause high blood pressure include:
    Asian Ginseng
    Rosemary essential oil

  • High blood pressure cures for more good information check out or website...Click here

    Sunday, August 22, 2010

    High blood pressure treatments

    This post is to discuss the different treatment options available to those of us with high blood pressure or those who want to prevent future problems.

    Most experts agree that the body is capable of healing itself given the right circumstances and nutrients. We should strive to take the appropriate steps to help our own bodies heal themselves not just take prescription medications by the fistful.

    We can by simply making changes in our lifestyles reduce our blood pressure by up to 20 points in a matter of a few days. The first step will be to address any issues of vitamin deficiencies, altering your diet, beginning a exercise routine, reducing stress from your life, and getting enough sleep.

    The 5 secrets to Natural Hypertension Treatment:
    1. The first secrets are changing your diet and beginning an exercise routine. Many people tend to really neglect these aspects of living a healthy lifestyle. 

    2. Aside from diet and exercise another important step in living a healthy life is to take potassium supplements. Potassium has been shown to be of great benefit in cleansing the body of toxins and waste. Lowering your blood pressure requires the removal of excess fluid and waste from the body and blood stream. Potassium eases the removal of cholesterol and toxins from the body aiding the bodies natural healing.

    3. Magnesium supplements are also important in overall well being and health. Magnesium helps the bodies nervous system function, which aids in a steady heart rate and improved heart function, strengthens bones, increases the  immune system  and regulates the blood pressure.

    4. Herbal Therapy is very beneficial to good health. Garlic in particular is effective in lowering your blood pressure and lowering cholesterol in the blood.
    5. Omega 3 or fish oil supplements are also very effective in helping the heart. Doctors recommend either eating fish 2 or 3 times a week or taking a fish oil supplement in order to get enough fish oil in your diet to regulate your blood pressure.
    For a great natural treatment for high blood pressure check out this site click on the image below: CLICK HERE

    Friday, August 13, 2010

    High Blood pressure Cures

    High Blood Pressure Cures - How to naturally cure high blood pressure without using dangerous drugs.

    There are many ways to lower your blood pressure safely and naturally without dangerous drugs and their side effects. In this article we will discuss a few of these simple techniques. It is much better and safer to simply make changes in your lifestyle or habits than to use addictive and dangerous drugs.

    Get your high blood pressure cures now just click here.

    High Blood Pressure Cures 

    There are many ways to lower your blood pressure safely and naturally without dangerous drugs and their side effects. In this article we will discuss a few of these simple techniques. It is much better and safer to simply make changes in your lifestyle or habits than to use addictive and dangerous drugs.

    Fact over 70 million Americans have high blood pressure. In other words one in three adults have high blood pressure. And one quarter of them are completely unaware of it.

    Should you be concerned about high blood pressure? Well, if this disease is common in your family or if you yourself have ever been diagnosed with this disease, You would be wise to learn how you should treat it naturally. Because, unless you want to take drugs the rest of your life and become dependent on them you must learn how to treat it yourself.

    You may get more information on high blood pressure cures at my blog also at http://naturalhypertensionremediestips.blogspot.com/ If you educate yourself and make your health a high priority you can cure your high blood pressure naturally and safely. Or check out our website simply Click Here. http://tiny.cc/20w25

    First step is to control your body fat and weight. I advise checking your body mass index , which is a chart that tells you your correct weight for your height.

    The second thing is cardio exercise. You should exercise regularly and keep your heart healthy. A healthy circulatory system is key to lowering you blood pressure.

    Third thing is you can cut down on bad fat intake. You must learn which fats are good fats and which are bad. You must learn to avoid foods high in saturated fats and eat more which are higher in polyunsaturated fats like fish, nuts, and soy.

    Also a healthier lifestyle would include stopping smoking and reduce your alcohol consumption. You should limit alcohol to one glass of red wine per day.

    Also learning about which vitamins are good to control high blood pressure and work as high blood pressure cures.

    Please check out our High Blood Pressure Cures website and learn natural ways to cure you high blood pressure. Simply Click here.